Friday, 14 August 2015

FMP: Persuasive Technology

Persuasive Technology is broadly defined as technology that is designed to change attitudes or behaviors of the users through persuasion and social influence, but not through coercion. Dr. BJ Fogg was one of the first people who started the idea and practicing experiments in the 1990s. Eventually developed a behaviour model of his own.

The model is constructed with three elements, Trigger, Ability, and Motivation. Theses three elements formed, for what we know, behaviours. For instance, When your mobile rings, what could be the reason for you not to answer the call i.e. was in a meeting, was in the shower/restroom, or did not feel like talking to that person...etc. In this simple situation, mobile phone rings, is the trigger, in the shower so could not answer the phone, is the ability, did not want to talk to that person, is the motivation. These all three factors have to happen in the same moment one after the other in order to initiate a behaviour. missing one then the behaviour would not happen. 

This model clearly demonstrate that behaviour does not come easily but through a close relationship with  human psychology (motivation). Before we begin to change behaviours, we should understand how people is triggered and motivated to the matter, as well as their ability of performing such behaviour. 

Fogg then further propose a behavior grid, that shows method  for matching target behaviors with solutions for achieving those behaviors.

Each fifteen way of changing behaviour represent different psychology strategies and persuasive technique. And for different behaviour you are persuading should apply different method. 

Persuasive technology is already been widely applied in the digital space of our world, facebook, google, amazon and more are the example of persuasive technology. for example, Facebook could send you an email notification about a photo you are tagged in, that is the trigger, then depends on the situation, you could immediately click the link to see that photo, motivation in this case is already there as you are urge to see what photo is that. Once you are on facebook you might common the photo or start browsing other contents. This persuasion is been done so well that we are not even aware of it. 

Any online advertisement could be its own persuasive technology, they encourage the audience to perform something they did not originally intended. 

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